Who We Are

Our Leadership Team

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Our Leadership Team

Andrew Stuart

Andrew, a Founder, and Director of the company, leads GSI Associates to provide tailored business advisory and support services, to companies and individuals worldwide. Andrew is a member of the Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

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Anthony Stuart

Specialising in the implementation and integration of software and systems within companies both nationally and abroad, Anthony has worked in Europe and the Far East, and has been a director of multiple companies in the Balkans for the last 7 years.

Eva Kostic

Eva brings together her linguistic proficiency, corporate services background, administrative expertise, and commitment to understanding human behaviour in organisations. Eva is the Director of GSI Associates office in Malta,

Sanja Mrsic

Sanja is responsible for service and product delivery across the group, leading a team of managers. She is the Head of Operations at GSI Associates.

Radu Irimie

Radu provides GSI Associates and our clients with legal advice, as well as implementation of data protection regulation and privacy. Radu is a member of the Bucharest Bar Association in Romania and certified trainer for Data protection.

Ermin Klimenta

Ermin has a degree in Computer Sciences and Engineering. He is an expert in retrieving data and web development. Ermin is the Head of IT, Web Development and Cyber Security department at GSI Associates.

Ross Somerville

Ross brings valuable insights and a proven track record to GSI Associates with an executive career spanning over 27 years in the commercial and procurement sphere.  He is a Non-Executive Director in GSI Associates.

Radu Irimie

Legal Advisor/GDPR Consultant


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Radu Irimie

Legal Advisor/GDPR Consultant


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