Overcoming procrastination: Simple strategies to get things done

Sep 9, 2024

Procrastination is something we all struggle with from time to time. Whether it is delaying a work task, putting off household chores, or avoiding exercise, procrastination can get in the way of our productivity and goals. The good news is that you can overcome it! Here are some easy strategies to help you stop procrastinating and start getting things done.

  1. Understand why you are procrastinating

The first step to beating procrastination is figuring out why you are doing it. Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or afraid of not doing well? Once you know the cause, you can address it directly. For example, if a task feels too big, try breaking it into smaller, more manageable steps.

  1. Set clear goals and deadlines

Instead of thinking, “I’ll do it later,” give yourself a specific deadline. Break larger projects into smaller tasks with their own deadlines. This helps create a sense of urgency and keeps you on track.

  1. Try the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a simple method where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four sessions, take a longer break. This helps you stay focused and avoid burnout.

  1. Remove distractions

Distractions like your phone, social media, or background noise can make it hard to focus. Identify what usually distracts you and try to minimise it. For example, put your phone on silent, use website blockers, or find a quiet workspace.

  1. Prioritise your tasks

Not all tasks are equally important. Start your day by identifying the most important tasks and addressing them first. By getting the crucial things done early, the rest of the day feels easier.

  1. Be kind to yourself

It is easy to be hard on yourself when you procrastinate, but this can make things worse. Instead, practice self-compassion. Recognise that everyone procrastinates sometimes, and focus on what you can do next to move forward.

  1. Find an accountability partner

Sharing your goals with someone else can help keep you motivated. Ask a friend or colleague to check in on your progress. Knowing someone else is watching can give you the push you need to stay on track.

  1. Reward yourself

Set up small rewards for completing tasks. Whether it is a treat, a break, or something fun, having a reward to look forward to can motivate you to keep going.

  1. Reflect and adjust

Take time at the end of each day or week to reflect on what you have accomplished and where you could improve. This helps you learn from your experience and make better choices moving forward.

In conclusion, overcoming procrastination takes practice, but it is entirely possible with the right approach. Start small, be consistent, and be patient with yourself. Over time, you will find it easier to get things done and feel more accomplished.


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